Home > Part Time Work

Part Time Work

September 26th, 2007 at 02:08 am

In the spring I got my first job since having children 18 years ago! I am a housekeeper at an assisted living apartment complex. I really love it.
I work from 8:30am to 1:30 four days a week and every other Saturday for about 8 hours. It works perfectly with my kids school schedule.

I love to talk and work with older folks. It is a perfect match for me. At times I do more than clean. Today I helped a hospice nurse sponge bath a lady who is dying from cancer. She is on death's door. I felt so humbled to be able to help in this very small act of love and kindness. I have grown close to this older lady. She is now ready to close the last chapter of her life book. Other folks are so happy to have me stop in and chat or look at old photos. Some share about a tv show they are watching--some want to know the weather since they rarely get to leave their apartment. Some need help just putting on socks or getting a towel or robe. It is very satifying to help in simple ways. It is amazing just saying hello or good morning can make someone else's day!

A few people have said I am wasting my education. I am not sure. So far I have been so blessed and humbled. I have learned hundreds of precious life
lessons, to me that is not a wasteful.

I also get lots of free things at work. Newspapers, magaizines, tons of coupons, free what nots that get thrown away. It is amazing the free nice items I receive.
It is a small perk of the job.

Working has been a wonderful way to heal for me as well. Going thru a divorce .....I needed something to help me heal and recover a bit. Just helping others has been the remedy I needed.

1 Responses to “Part Time Work”

  1. katwoman Says:

    I think you're an ANGEL.

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