Home > Newspapers


September 27th, 2007 at 08:09 pm

My daughter has a paper route. The paper gets delivered once a week on Thursdays.
She is now too busy to do it. So now I am doing it. I earn a small paycheck for about two hours of work and a small amt of gas. I like it. Plus I am off on it is not too much extra effort for me.

I highly recommend paper routes to earn some extra cash. They are always asking me if I know anyone who wants a route. It
is also nice because I do not have to collect any money...the newspaper pays me a check every two weeks.

Check out a newspaper route if you need some money.

2 Responses to “Newspapers”

  1. razberriez Says:

    I have a newspaper route too, easy money! We do have to collect though and pay our paper bill. We are independent contracters. Not bad pay for less than a couple days work a week in all!

  2. Front Porch Mom Says:

    I agree....a newspaper route is wonderful for extra cash. It is just trickier in the winter for me. It gets cold driving around with the window down. I usually turn up the radio and try to forget about being so frozen!

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