Home > How to save some money

How to save some money

September 29th, 2007 at 11:57 pm

Reisiting the urge to eat out is a hard one for me. Today we were on the go all day! I spent a large percentage of my day
driving children here and there and attending this and that. For example....dinner. I mean it would of been very EASY to stay in the traffic at the mall and just eat out. Part of me felt sorry for myself. Then I told! We had some apples, baked beans and hot dogs. Fine and dandy---simple. The kids were certainly happy to have dinner at home...esp hot dogs.

I have to resist ---resist---resist.
It sure is a mental game at times. The feeling I get from just saying no is so much rewarding when I look back each day.
Being frugal and practical is not for the faint of heart. It requires such will and determination. At times I do feel the pull....I have to remind myself each and every day to be frugal and make good choices.

4 Responses to “How to save some money”

  1. db1974 Says:

    me too...eating out is my financial downfall. the odd part is that i like to cook! i think i just get so tired after work that i don't want to think about doing more work! when we're out running errands is most difficult to avoid eating out. i try to plan my outings around times where there is no meal. works sometimes!

  2. Front Porch Mom Says:

    Great idea! Plan errands away from meal times. I sure like that. Sometimes I just feel sorry for myself. I can be a big ol' baby! Tonight I picked up my dd from her friends house. The hubby and wife (the friends parents) were going out to eat on a date night. Again...I just felt sorry for myself since I am a single mom.
    Thankfully I count my blessings and snap out of the pity party usually pretty quickly. I still like your idea alot!!!!! Have a good night.

  3. contrary1 Says:

    When I was knee deep in kids and their assorted appointments, I found I did best by telling them all we weren't going to eat out.......or, telling them what the planned menu was at home........This gave me a plan to follow. Having something started at home before we left was a sure shot too. I was best friends with my crock
    pot(s) for years. Smile

  4. Front Porch Mom Says:

    I love my crocky pot as well. I also keep lots of good basics on hand. I try to keep my meals simple. I do not have the time or energy as a single mom to be fancy. I think the idea to announce the dinner menu or what is for lunch is a fantastic idea. Thank you!!!
    Otherwise I feel myself getting overwhelmed and stressed out.

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