Home > Denying myself

Denying myself

February 15th, 2008 at 09:57 pm

I have found recently that here and there I have purchased things be it for my kids or myself or whomever.....when I should not of purchased them. It does not happen all the time but I find my myself at times being numbed at buying things mindlessly. Yesterday I bought two small coolers at WAL MART. I decided since we are packing food for the weekend to take with us to our dance competition I wanted something small and compact for us to take. I felt they were justifed. I probably could of made due. I thought maybe it would be better to have these coolers. I have to get much better at really denying myself and really thinking twice about purchases. It is a bad habit to make purchases so mindlessly. A little bit here and then a little bit there.

I want to work on denying myself because 9 times out of 10 I don't really need the item. I hope to really think about purchses I make the rest of the month.

1 Responses to “Denying myself”

  1. reflectionite Says:

    i try really hard to do that too. lately it has been much easier, and it's probably due to a pay cut as i have stopped working 6 days a week down to 5. i end up telling myself i will be denying myself of the holiday i have planned later on in the year, and it usually does the trick. however i still find it hard, and my bf has the same problem with buying things he doesnt need. i have worked on myself, now i just need to get him to stop buying stuff too!

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