Home > Old Magazines

Old Magazines

May 7th, 2008 at 01:57 am

My son cleaned out grannies garage. He had four huge boxes of old magaiznes. I looked thru my former mother in laws stacks and saw that most of the magazines are from 1996-2002. Stacks and stacks. What a silly amount of trash she has kept sitting in the garage for so darn long. She loved clutter. Remember this is the lady who has wall to wall carpet in her entire kitchen! Can you say gross????

When I clean apartments every day it is amazing to me to see the clutter, sitting on tables and cabinets forever it seems, like old lost friends or pals we can not bear to dismiss. Clutter makes us feel safe? Maybe it makes us feel secure? I am not sure. Like today at work---- Old newspapers from three weeks ago, old memos about the 2007 Christmas brunch, old calendars from 2006, old this and old that, odd this and odd amazes me! I am so glad for the valuable lessons I have learned in keeping clutter like paper clutter down to a bare minium. My mom was a neat nik and with Mothers Day so close I really value her sense of order she passed on to me. Being frugal and thrifty were others lessons I learned from her. Clutter is so destructive. It adds pounds of stress and makes people odd. Just watch TV and see all those cleaning and organizing shows on cable and all the "cluttered and almost living in the gutter" guests on Oprah and Dr Phil.....clutter is NOT a redeeming habit or a good way to live for anyone. Clutter can and does destroy. Throw out an old magazine or newspaper perhaps your cubbie at work needs a once over as well..... and get liberated! Just some random thoughts on making life so much better.

3 Responses to “Old Magazines”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    My darling Momma brings them to my house when she's done with them. As she ages I see the paper that she used to make short order of seem to become overwhelming.

    I don't take time to read much of them anymore, but do sell the decorating ones in my junque' booth, and take the rest over to the women's shelter.

  2. pretty cheap jewelry Says:

    Free oneself of stuff. I am not sentimental and probably have a somewhat rare wish to view that life is not defined by things, especially things from the past.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Amen to that! I think you're right-on about it making people feel secure. My mom--I love her dearly, but she is one of those crazy hoarders. I have a theory that it came from living through the depression (though my dad did too, and he's not like that). There are some spare rooms in their house you can't even get into anymore. If my dad wasn't there to keep somewhat of a handle on it she'd have stacks of junk in the main rooms and tunnels through it, and she'd probably get trapped under a falling pile of it. I'm not kidding. It's pretty sad in some ways, but at least she's got my dad, and even if he doesn't stay hale & hardy forever, one of my sisters and her family live somewhat nearby and would probably keep her from going totally extreme.

    As a result, I have a messy-hoardy side to me, but also an extreme phobia about having a trash house (because I was always embarrassed to bring acquaintances to my house when I lived with my parents). So periodically I simplify ruthlessly, though some things I have difficulty discarding. This spring though, we're going to have a yard sale, and anything we don't need or sell, I'm getting rid of. I love having a clean roomy place.

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