Home > Hello again!

Hello again!

May 29th, 2008 at 03:15 am

Hello friends...I am sorry I am not writing as much as I have in the past. Somehow life got hectic for me. I think the end of school and dance recital, working and what not...I just am trying to keep my head above water. My friend who helps me clean my house has a medical problem so I have not had his help. It makes it harder for me to keep up it seems. My kids are busy with studying for finals and finishing up reports and projects. It is hard for them as well to keep as neat and tidy. Oh well that is life with four kids I guess. Work is going has been rough this week. I have had alot of extra cleaning to I worked on Mem. Day for 8 1/2 hours. It was my longest day ever that I worked. Remember I am part time. It was long and grueling. Plus my kids kept calling me to see when I was coming home. It was annoying after while. One of the gals I work with is driving me nuts with bossing me around. I almost wanted to take her outside and get into a brawl with her. I have absolutly had it with co-workers who have low self esteem and feel good about them selves when they boss others around. Well I will be nice a few times but then after about three comments I simply will have to put you in your place. So one more comment from her and all hell will break loose. Can you tell the boss was off today??? That is when she gets on her high horse. It is is child like and stupid. I enjoy doing my job and blowing her off in a nice Christian sort of way.

My ex is being a pain in the neck. I asked him to take my dd to the ortho and he complained about missing work. Mind you my ex is pretty well off and owns his own taking some time off in the morning is not a problem since he is the boss! My dd felt slighted by his unkindness I feel. I guess he did nothing but talk on his blackberry the entire time as dd was not too happy. He is very much a block head in the feeling department. I guess it gets old to hear a man whine about doing things for his children as simple as an ortho appointment before school.

I have been frugal and trying my best to not spend money in silly and trivial ways.
I did get a load of mulch for Saturday. It is cheaper than hiring someone to do sona nd I will do the work and I will pay him some money. My basement looks I am looking forward to having my garage sale soon! That will help with mind clutter as well. The sale will help me get things back in order.

I am trying to sock away money to pay my tax bill with out dipping into my savings. It will be very close to pull it off but I am going to try. I have had to spend about $100 in birthday and graduation gifts.....more than usual. So that stings a bit. Now I have some teacher gifts to get. Another way to spend money. I have had some dance expenses it is adding up. When I get ahead I then go back it seems. The rhythm of life I guess.

I am so glad the pool fun for me and the kids. We got DVD's from the library too. I am trying to keep things breezy in the fun department. Movies at the theater seem not even worth it! I am going to try and not go at all this is too costly.

Oh well....need to do what else...clean!
Have a great frugal weekend everyone.

4 Responses to “Hello again!”

  1. Maxx Says:

    HI,,,Just dropping by... Smile

  2. koppur Says:

    When is the yard sale? Good luck!

  3. boomeyers Says:

    My kids call me at work all the time and it drives me crazy too!!
    I hope "bossy" is off next time you have to work!

  4. Front Porch Mom Says:

    I try to avoid Bossy----Luckily she is usually working on the other side of the we rarely see each other and I also avoid her lunch break's all in the timing!!!

    I am not sure when I am having my sale....maybe early July. Def after the rectial and after my kids vacation with dad. June is probably out as far as I can see things.

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